Responsive Prompt Generator
How It Works:
- HTML: The structure of the page includes a text area for users to input their prompts and a button to generate the prompts. The prompts are displayed in a responsive grid.
- CSS: The styles ensure the tool is responsive and visually appealing on different devices. The grid adapts to the screen size, making the tool user-friendly.
- JavaScript: Handles the logic for splitting the input into individual prompts, limiting them to 100, and dynamically creating the HTML elements to display them.
How to Use:
- Paste the code into an HTML file.
- Open the file in your browser.
- Enter up to 100 prompts in the text area (one per line).
- Click "Generate Prompts" to see them displayed in a responsive grid.
This is a basic tool that can be expanded with additional features like exporting the prompts, saving them, or customizing the design further.