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Expense Tracker App Rakhra

Here's a basic implementation of an Expense Tracker App that allows users to manage their finances by tracking income and expenses, along with budgeting tools, financial reports, and savings goals. This is written in a single script using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.


  • Add income and expenses
  • Budgeting tools
  • Financial reports (total income, total expenses, balance)
  • Category analysis (e.g., food, entertainment, etc.)
  • Savings goals tracking

Key Features:

  1. Add Income and Expenses: Users can add income or expense transactions by specifying the name, amount, and category.
  2. Budgeting and Financial Reports: The app automatically calculates the total income, expenses, and balance, giving the user a quick overview of their financial status.
  3. Category Analysis: Each income or expense is categorized (e.g., salary, food, shopping, etc.) for better financial tracking.
  4. User-Friendly Interface: The app has a simple and clean design, allowing easy management of finances.

This is a basic version of an expense tracker and can be expanded with additional features like persistent data storage, advanced charts, savings goal progress bars, and more

Expense Tracker App Rakhra

Expense Tracker App

Add Transaction

Total Income


Total Expenses





Name Amount Category


Name Amount Category

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